From my earliest memories I have always enjoyed learning. This joy was connected to both reading and writing. When I was nine or ten, my father, not prone to buying any of us gifts, one evening gave me a Scripto fountain pen, along with five translucent cartridges that showed the ink level in them. When one ran out, I just punctured another one on to the pen and kept going.

I was so excited about this gift that I sat on the arm of a living room chair and wrote out a short story involving my two brothers and me on an adventure. I believe my writing life had its genesis on that arm of the chair by the front window of our living room. I found that the act of creating something new, something that had not existed before, gave me a sense of both power and pleasure. I have spent the last 52 years in one form of a classroom or another, reading, writing and speaking from the arm of that original chair.

If I were to sketch a quick portrait of who I am, in addition to being a brother, husband, father and grandfather, I would put it in the following form:

  • Sharing learning that leads to a deeper understanding, to a greater depth of consciousness of who and what I am

  • Loving language in the way that words play off of one another to create a world that did not exist before

  • Cultivating a mythopoetic consciousness that is creative, mysterious and unfathomable

  • Willingness to regularly risk something new

  • Studying the power of analogy, metaphor, symbol to open up and relate worlds to one another that might not otherwise seem to be connected

  • Engaging the sheer wonder of a poem, a painting, a sculpture, a musical composition, or a journey in the world to places never before visited

  • Celebrating the dignity of others

  • Cultivating a monastic, meditative life through monastic retreats as well as spiritual readings from many traditions

  • Being generous towards others

  • Developing an attitude of being relaxed, receptive and open to what a given day might reveal

  • Cultivating a sense of gratefulness for what I have been blessed with

  • Willingness to let go of what is no longer useful, functional or constructive in my life

  • Entertaining the ideas of others, which can create new inroads to becoming more aware of what I believe and why

  • Cultivating my abilities as a reader/writer as forms of imaginal journeying by noticing where an idea, an image, an intuition might lead

  • Discerning the poetic sense inherent in all people, things and situations

  • Reflecting on something to the point that its own form begins to emerge

This thumbnail sketch will give you, reader, a sense of who I am as I reflect on myself in this introduction.